Encouraging Women and Youth Participation in Africa’s Agriculture
By John Karuitha and Bob WekesaCOVID-19 has intensified African countries’ vulnerabilities to the vagaries of agricultural production and supply shortages in times of crisis. For instance rice exports from Vietnam to Africa were halted in March 2020 due to COVID-19
Africa-US Cities Conference February 2023 City to City: Reshaping and Renewing Africa-US Relations
“The United States should work with African partners today to … start an urbanization initiative, including partnerships with U.S. cities, to help African cities plan for their growth in critical sectors like energy access, climate change adaptation, transportation, and water
Africa – a youthful, entrepreneurial continent where strong private partnerships are formed
Anne Linnee, US Consul General, Durban Consulate of the US Mission to South Africa, spoke at the US Business in Africa Awards, and explained that all challenges have a business solution. Never is this more of an opportunity than in
Corporate custodianship – “doing well by doing good”
Todd Haskell noted that the thousands of US companies on African soil have “done well, by doing good” and that this sustainable, community-oriented outlook must continue. This showcases US corporate custodianship and citizenship on the continent. Angela Russell, the CEO of
Opening up Africa’s borders will make business soar
The first shipment traded under the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) act departed from Ghana in January 2021. The ship bound for Guinea and South Africa symbolized a new era: the rapid implementation of a free trade agreement to
US Business in Africa Awards Launch highlights the move from “Aid to Trade”
November 2021 – On an uncharacteristically grey and chilly day in Durban, South Africa, the US Business in Africa Awards was launched, signaling a new era for doing business on this continent. Notably, dignitaries present unanimously agreed that the narrative
Ramaphosa demonstrates shrewd statesmanship as he performs a delicate G7 balancing act.
By: John Stremlau South Africa’s President Cyril Ramaphosa showed shrewd statesmanship in discussing his unique role representing South Africa and Africa at the recent G7 summit in the UK. Media reports rightly highlighted his comments on the Covid-19 pandemic and whether adequate vaccines will
African leaders must demonstrate commitment to constitutionalism as they seek to strengthen US – Africa ties.
BY SIVIWE RIKHOTSO The history of constitutionalism dates back to the political theory of enlightenment propagated by scholars like John Locke and expressed in the United States’ Declaration of Independence of 1776 by its founding fathers. It is an important tool for functional governance in
Media coverage of migration in the US and Africa: A critique
BY AMUKELANI MATSILELE The media play an important role in society, primarily as communicators of information to citizens and watchdogs who provide political, economic, and societal oversight to hold governments and their officials to account. They wield significant power to shape and
American tribalism is alive and well -an urgent national conversation is needed 2021ersation is needed
Tim Murithi Unless American society addresses the foundational trauma that is concretised deep within the edifice of the construction of the nation-state, and the violence, suppression and subjugation of Native Americans and the enslavement of African Americans transported against their will,