Breaking the ice: First Africa-US Public Diplomacy Conference
March 10, 2018 Co-hosted by Wits African Centre for the Study of the USA (ACSUS) and Centre on Public Diplomacy (CPD), University of Southern California (USC) Report of Part I of the Proceedings Gloria Ooko and Bob Wekesa Appreciation to Bongiwe Tutu for video
Introducing the Africa-US-Forum Blog
Bob Wekesa In Africa, the United States of America is a well-known country – rights! Most Americas can point out the location of Africa on the world map – right! Well, not quite! Ask any average African what the name Wyoming
The Mandela-Obama effect: Legacies, divergences and convergences
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Digital Diplomacy in Africa – a discussion with authors in SAJIA’s special issue
‘Digital diplomacy’, also referred to as virtual diplomacy, e-diplomacy, and cyber diplomacy, is the intersection of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and diplomatic practice. In the 21st century, digital diplomacy has grown to become a major interdisciplinary area for both
African Digital Diplomacy
Diplomacy practised by Information and Communication Technology (ICT) platforms and capabilities has grown exponentially over the short duration of the COVID-19 pandemic. In part, this is because digital technologies were already rising in importance as avenues for the conduct of
It is difficult to talk of the COVID-19 pandemic in positive terms. But, as a growing number of analysts have noted, the crisis provides silver linings as underlying problems are exposed and pathways for resolving them considered. It would be a waste of
African Digital Diplomacy Seminars Program
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African Digital Diplomacy in the era of COVID-19
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African Centre for the Study of the United States (ACSUS) postgraduate program curriculum development at the University of the Witwatersrand
Extensive work has been done since the formation of ACSUS in establishing the viability of an American Studies program at the University of the Witwatersrand, and now, the ongoing development of the program, the first of its kind on the
OPINION | Amukelani Charmaine Matsilele: The relevance of American studies in African universities
If Americans are studying Africa, Africa needs to study America for a balanced engagement across public policy, civil society, corporate sector and at personal levels, writes Amukelani Charmaine Matsilele. American studies have been undertaken in other parts of the world but not